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The Balance You Need In Your Life

Life is a beautifully, intense, full-time, emotional roller coaster. Very often we as humans, go through ups and downs, phases of inspired highs and a dark lows..

Until recently I was so bewildered how it could change so sporadically and why it felt like I had no control over my own mind. After pondering often for many, many days, I have concluded with this theory.

This theory might be wrong for some and it may be relatable for others..

After many thoughts, questions, and ideas; the conclusion I have drawn is that in order to experience a more stable state of mind, one's life requires balance.

Balance.. such a simple concept, yet many are so far from it.

Balance each aspect of life

For example, when one experiences an incredible, life-changing moment of a lifetime, they may spend their days searching for that feeling, expecting following events to be just as grand as that moment in time. But in reality it was just one single experience in this life, and similar to the worst moment of their life, it shouldn't be sought after.

Don't chase feeling a specific way all of the time..

Another example is related to healthy foods. When it comes to the health of the human body, we all know it's not good to be extreme when it comes to eating. Eating anything and everything one may see or crave is a sure way to damage the body and usually cause some kind of disease. And vice versa, when the body doesn't receive the nutrition it needs to survive, it begins to shut down. We actually NEED fat on our bodies, but not too much.

For me, food is one of the very best parts of life, I never want to completely give up enjoying such pleasures. But I also want my body to feel at its best by giving it the balance it needs between proteins, fats, and carbs. I will always have a little layer of fat covering my body and I am so content with that.

Find balance in food. Enjoy eating the things you love, just not most of the time..

The same concept goes for physical activity. Our bodies need exercise but they also need rest and time to recover. Over-training, strains, and injuries are common results of going to an extreme with something the body needs. Find balance in exercise, strengthen and build your dream body! Also stretch, rest, and allow recovery time. It's amazing to push limits and test physical boundaries but one needs to know what their limits are.

Exercise! Use your body for what it's made for AND allow it time to recover..

It seems the balance concept is applicable for most things in this world..

The human body needs certain vitamins, but those same vitamins in high doses can cause serious damage or even kill someone.

The mind needs time for peace and quiet, though after too long it may become restless and search for entertainment.

Sun on the skin nourishes and provides nutrients, but too much injures.

Water is a huge necessity for life and too much drowns.

Heck, even brushing teeth is recommended multiple times a day, but if overdone, ruins the natural balance of the teeth.

See what I mean?

Whenever coming to a decision, look at the spectrum of things, see the extremes of each option. From there, find a happy balance.

I believe this balance will create a much healthier and neutral state of being, without so many of the ups and downs.

"Find balance in yourself and in the world around you. This is the key to a happy life." -Anonymous

Balance is the key to life health and happiness

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

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~Happy Healthy Training

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