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What Health And Fitness Really Means..Long Term

Health and fitness are terms we often hear. We all have our own definitions for both, that hold true to our own. As an example, some people may feel healthier when they don't include gluten in their diet, while some perform at their best when they are eating diets with over 200g of protein a day. There are individuals that prefer going through cycles of eating a calorie surplus or deficit, depending on what weight they will be lifting in the gym and others who balance and eat just enough to maintain their current state. It's different for everyone!

That being said, there are a few definitions that accurately describe what it means for most of us..

Here are some definitions across the board, defining what it means to truly be healthy and fit..

It’s a LIFESTYLE. Truly being at your best means long-term. It’s not about a one time ‘12 Week Rapid Fat Loss’ program or any kind of “quick fix” that’s out there. It’s about creating those healthy habits! Making changes in your lifestyle that lead to feeling and looking better. Eat at home more often than you eat out, learn what a balanced meal looks like, find ways to add more movement into your day. Learn what genuinely makes you feel good and start adding more of that into your day.

No one or thing can do it for you. This is absolutely true for everyone. If you’re not willing to change bad habits or get up and move your body, you will never see or feel positive change in yourself. It doesn’t matter how many times people remind you of the importance of exercise or even if you paid someone to follow you around throughout the week and smack unhealthy food out of your hand. If you’re not willing to put in the effort, it’s impossible to get results.

Being fit and healthy all starts with the choice to create better habits. We are creatures of habit. So make up your mind that you want change and start doing it! I highly recommend eating at home as much as you can, for the calorie sake and also for your wallets’ sake. ;) Stop living off of sugar and fat infused espresso and start fueling your body in more productive ways. There are crazy, delicious and HEALTHY options pretty much anywhere you look these days. No excuses!

Confidence! Loving yourself and your body. This is the outcome and usually the main reason someone chooses to embark on their journey to a healthier and more fit state of being. We all have bodies we want to be proud of and it’s an indescribable feeling being able to use it at full capacity. Being in that state of mind and finding that exact feeling you're searching for.. it’s everything you imagine it will be and SO WORTH IT.

Exercise, eat clean, drink water. Simple. Yet so many struggle with these basics of caring for themselves. Don’t complicate it, make the changes, do the work and the results are destined to come. Read 6 Reasons Always Having A Goal Will Change Your Life. Set yourself some goals and then believe in yourself every step of the way!

believe in yourself, western australia beach

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

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~Happy Healthy Training

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